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  • face to face with our animals!

    Gettorf Animal Park

    Guided Tours

    Monthly guided tour on Sundays


    On the second sunday of every month a guided tour of about 1 hour is held by our biologist Dr. Gabriele Ismer. Every month another topic of animal life is presented: colours and patterns, family life and parental care, movements or food preferences, presentation of animals from different continents… a variety of topics will be dealt with in an informative and entertaining way.

    The participation in these guided tours is for free, for entrance fees refer to the regular prices.

    Guided tours on request

    Both the biologists of the park and our trained zoo-guides would like to give you an individual guided tour around the zoo.

    School classes and nursery schools

    will be guided for 1-2 hours (depending on age and grade) around the zoo. Different topics can be offered after prior consultation.

    The guided tour is free of charge for schools and nursery schools, only the entrance fee for school classes is due to be paid.

    For other groups

    we offer a guided tour of about 1.5 hours around the park. Special topics can be offered after prior consultation.
    Guided tours are also available in English.

    Price for a guided tour for up to 20 persons: 25.00 € plus regular entrance fees.